Danielle Grant - My Perspectives
As an elected member of Auckland Council and active member of our community, I am committed to supporting community aspirations by advocating and engaging in local issues.
Local Little Bee Keepers
Our Environment
The environment is important to me, so that we can all enjoy our stunning green open spaces, bush and beaches. I’m proud to say that, under my chairmanship and deputy chairmanship, my local board has made its largest ever investment into our natural environment with programmes focusing on pest plant and weed management, stream quality monitoring, pollution prevention and Kauri Dieback strategies.
stunning green open spaces, bush and beaches..
.. No longer is the care of the environment someone else’s responsibility."
Locally I know that we love our open space, and we must do all we can to ensure its protection for generations to come. I am concerned with the prevention of Kauri Dieback in our local area, and will continue to work with our local groups to do all we can to protect it.
I am incredibly proud of the environmental work undertaken by groups such as Pest Free Kaipatiki and Kaipatiki Project. It is the strong involvement of our local volunteers who work alongside groups such as these, that makes a significant difference to our community.
No longer is the care of the environment someone else’s responsibility.
Sport and Leisure
Having a healthy and active lifestyle is encouraged through easy choices and open access to our play spaces and facilities.
advocate for more funding into grass roots sporting activities."
I am committed to free swimming for our children at our leisure centres, continuing to build high quality playgrounds that also provide shade and supporting our sports clubs with the facilities they need to deliver all the sport in our area, every day of the week.
Our sporting clubs must be adequately funded, and I will continue to advocate for more funding into grass roots sporting activities. I have the greatest respect and appreciation for all the volunteers who keep our sports clubs going. Without our volunteers our children wouldn’t have the wonderful opportunities they have today.
I am continually looking to improve and invest in our playgrounds so that they are appealing to a variety of ages and stages, ensuring that our families can enjoy a wonderful mix of facilities, such as innovative climbing frames, bike tracks, flying foxes, swings, nature play and imaginative play.
Badminton North Harbour
Kaipatiki Local Board Plan
Community Development
Local community development takes many forms from our houses and centres, and outstanding community co-ordinators to our social, environmental and sporting groups.
our community groups to achieve their aspirations."
I am a networker, who spends much of my time empowering our community groups to achieve their aspirations. I believe that our libraries are also a supportive hub of learning and engagement, that must be well maintained to continue to provide this essential service.
Good governance of our community groups is important to me. I am a strong advocate of governance training and assistance, to ensure that our voluntary committees who run our community groups have the support they need to effectively deliver on their aspirations. I take an active interest in our community groups and I encourage our groups to meet with our local board on a regular basis.
Community Grant Funding is important to me, to ensure that our community group are able to assess the funds they need to deliver the amazing projects for our community.
I am very supportive of free community events that give us all an opportunity to enjoy being together and being part of a shared experience. Art exhibition openings, movies and music in the parks, summer and winter fun playgroups, guided walks in our bush, heritage festivals, Matariki events, Santa parades and cultural festivals are just some of the events that I support and will continue to encourage in our community.
One of my biggest achievements as Chair of the Kaipatiki Local Board was leading the development of our three year local board plan. A copy of the plan is available here.
I am currently applying to be a Justice of the Peace and look forward to being able to provide this voluntary service to my community soon.
Congestion on Auckland’s North Shore is concerning us all, and the level of frustration is significant. Improved public transport is part of the answer.
We need an integrated single fares structure for our ferries, which is currently not the case, to ensure ferries are an accessible and cost-effective transport option. We need high quality and well-maintained ferry wharves, and a higher frequency of services.
equitable benefits for my community, especially in the short term."
Road safety is a priority for me. I am advocating for an increase in pedestrian refuges at bus stops, allowing safer places to cross our roads, especially around schools and surrounding areas.
I do not support two fuel taxes in Auckland, as I cannot see the fair and equitable benefits for my community, especially in the short term.
I am concerned with the cost of roading projects and believe that there needs to be a high level of accountability
Metro Transport
Rawene carpark slip meeting
Community Engagement and Public Meetings
Your feedback plays a significant part in my decision making. I actively seek my community's opinions through a variety of consultation events and forums. As a highly engaged and accessible member of our community, I am constantly listening to your ideas and concerns.
.. I approach issues with an open mind.."
I approach issues with an open mind, and meaningfully engage in political debate, to ensure that decisions are based on high quality reporting, stakeholder input and financial management. Health and Safety are always an important consideration in all decision making.
I invite my community to attend our Kaipaitki Local Board meetings and workshop, and to actively listen to the conversation, information and debate. We regularly meeting on a Wednesday at our local board offices at 90 Bentley Ave, Glenfield.
If you have a particular topic of interest, please get in contact with me here.
As a parent of school aged children, our education system is very near to my heart.
environments that provide the best opportunity to support
their growth and development is essential."
I have served on the Board of Trustees for my local school since 2013. Ensuring that our children have access to the learning environments that provide the best opportunity to support their growth and development is essential.
We need to improve the minimum standards of our Early Childhood Centres, so that they are warmer, and provide greater minimum play spaces areas for each child.
The needs of every child, at every stage of their development must be supported.
Bayview Primary Board of Trustees