Danielle Grant Chairs Report December 2017
/Monthly report for the period 7 November to 4 December 2017
Significant Issues
Rawene Carpark second land slip
A second land slip at Rawene Carpark occurred at approximately 5pm on Tuesday, 28 November, and has taken away the carpark land that provided the access up to Mokoia Rd. Specialists are continuing to monitor and evaluate the site. An important piece of drilling rig equipment has been lost downslope and is being retrieved. Worksafe NZ will investigate this incident.
I spent the morning of Wednesday 29 November in the vicinity of the slip, speaking with a number of concerned business owners, local staff, and residents. I am particularly concerned for the health and safety of all in the area. I have shared my concerns with our Auckland Council Chief Operating Officer, Dean Kimpton, and I have requested a public meeting to provide an opportunity for the community to ask specific questions of the appropriate officers.
It is important for the Auckland Council family to provide as much information to the community at this stressful time, and provide timely updates as new evidence becomes available. Residents and businesses in the area are asking for factual assurances that they are safe in their homes and buildings.
The public meeting, hosted by the local board, will be held at the Birkenhead Library at 4pm on Thursday 7 December.
Kaipātiki Local Board Plan
The finalised Kaipātiki Local Board plan, that sets out our priorities for the next three years, is now available online at here.
Blessing of Birkenhead War Memorial Park – Skate Park
The skate park at Birkenhead War Memorial Park has been renewed, and is now open for the community to enjoy. The new space includes such features as a new mini skate bowl, pyramid, grind ledges, quarter pipes and pump bumps. A new retaining wall and improved drainage has also been delivered at the site, and the new mural on the wall is currently underway. The next stage of the renewal will include new terraced seating, retaining wall (at the carpark end of the site) and an access ramp from the carpark to the pool and skate park and added as part of stage two works in the 2019/20 financial year.
The new design, co-created with local skaters and Skateboarding New Zealand, provides our young skaters with an improved range of features suitable for different skill levels. The local board is committed to ongoing improvements and investment at Birkenhead War Memorial as we continue to work on our Birkenhead War Memorial Park Master Plan.
Marlborough Park Playground
Upgrades to Marlborough Park in Glenfield are nearing completion. The local board attended the blessing of the new brightly coloured play spaces including the new playground and shade sail, basketball court and improved perimeter paths. The playground also has water-play features, a basket swing, rope net, tunnels and slides. This popular destination park will continue to be improved with grass and landscaping to be completed in the early new year. The renewal work on the skate park is planed for the next financial year.
Meetings and workshops dates:
- Weekly chairs meeting every Monday or Tuesday morning
- Citizen Advice Bureau – North Shore meeting with the manager Sonette de Koster. Request for the CABs to share updates with the local board on the issues being addressed by the CAB, and to reflect on any treads, on 7 November
- Harbour Bridge Light Up project meeting, with Senior Account Director Events - Jane Sheetz and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, on 7 November
- Chaired the Kaipātiki Local Board workshops on 8 and 22 November
- Birkenhead War Memorial Park, local board working party meeting, on 9 November
- Local Board Chairs Forum, on 13 November
- Pool and Leisure Centre membership options update, with Garth Dawson, Sam Young and Rob McGee, Pools and Leisure – Auckland Council, on 14 November
- Finance and Planning Committee workshops on the Long Term Plan 2018-2028, on 15 November
- Chaired the Kaipātiki Local Board meeting on 15 November
- Monthly meeting with Jill Nerheny, Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, on 16 November
- Local residents Francee and Brad Boult, raising concerns about the Birkenhead Mainstreet Upgrade, on 20 November
- Communications and Media briefing with Francis Martin and Paul Edwards, final sign off of the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan, on 21 November
- Mayoral meeting with the Local Board Chairs and the Governing Body Members, joint presentation to the Mayor on the collective local board feedback on the Mayoral intent for the 10-year Plan, on 22 November
- Local residents - Geoff Taylor and Paul Norris, with board member Lindsay Waugh, on concerns with roading upgrade Rodney Rd, Northcote as part of the Northcote Safe Cycle Way project, on 23 November
- Sub-regional cluster workshop, Northern, on 27 November
- Zion Hill Reserve, with David Innes and Gillian Taylor of Kaipātiki Public Arts Trust and David Hebenton, Tracey Williams, Jo Wiggins of Arts and Culture – Auckland Council, on 28 November
- John Hunt, Harbour Basketball on 28 November
- Chaired the Kaipātiki Local Board Community Forum on 29 November
- Northcote Unlock project update for local board members from Homes.Land.Community (HLC) and Panuku Development Auckland, on 30 November
- Weed Management Political Advisory Group, on 30 November
- Events, Site Visits and Functions
- Harbour Sport – Sports Summit presentation, with local board member Kay McIntyre, on 9 November
- Homes.Land.Community (HLC) site visit of 34 Tonar St, Northcote, the first of the newly developed social houses, on 10 November
- Birkenhead War Memorial Park blessing of the renewed skate park, stage 1, on 15 November
- Harbour Bridge lights up Mayoral presentation, with Vector, on 16 November
- Netball North Harbour Christmas morning tea for stakeholders, on 17 November
- Northcote Town Centre Business Association Christmas bbq, on 17 November
- Glenfield Santa Parade, on 19 November
- Site visits with Auckland Council Strategic Broker, Challen Wilson and Jill Nerheny of Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, to various sites of interest in Northcote and Birkenhead, on 21 November
- North Shore Table Tennis Club prize giving, on 24 November
- We Gathered Here – A history of Matakana, MC of book launch, 25 November
- Citizenship Ceremony, Kaipātiki, Upper Harbour and Devonport-Takapuna local boards, on 27 November
- Onepoto Awhina Christmas afternoon tea, on 28 November
- Kauri Glen Bush Society Annual General Meeting, on 28 November
- Rawene Carpark, Birkenhead site visit and town centre walk around, following the second significant slip, on 29 November
- Marlborough Reserve Playground site blessing with local board members and local kaumatua Beau, on 29 November
- James and the Giant Peach, opening night, presented by Theatre Works, on 1 December
- North Harbour Gymnastics end of year display and prize giving, guest judge, on 2 December
- Leadership for local board leaders, session one, Kura Kuwana training programme, on 4 December.