Danielle Grant Chairs Report March 2018
/Monthly report for the period 12 February to 8 March 2018
Significant Issues
Rawene Carpark land slip
There have been a number of recent media reports that have made reference to an engineering report commissioned by Auckland Transport in 2015. I have raised my concerns that the Kaipātiki Local Board was not made aware of the outcome of the GHD report, and not given an opportunity to comment. For a number of years, I have been working closely with the Birkenhead Town Centre Assn and am well aware of the parking concerns that are being raised. Along with fellow local board members, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport, we have been proactively looking to make improvements to the town centre and also accommodate new parking solutions both within the Rawene Car Park and the town centre. I believe that this report should have been shared with the local board, and that we should have been given the option to consider the monitoring and stabilisation options as presented in the report.
If you would like to read the GHD report, please email rawene@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to request that you receive the regular email updates. To read the recent Rawene Project updates visit here
The costs for the initial work at Rawene Car Park are becoming clearer. On 27 February 2018, Auckland Council approved $3.85 million. Another decision around the implantation of the stabilisation work will be made in March 2018. These costs are currently being investigated.
The Finance and Performance Committee resolved the following:
a) approve $3.85 million of capital expenditure for Rawene remedial works, including:
i) $2 million for emergency works completed
ii) $1.85 million (of which $0.85 million is a variable estimate) for the consultancy, investigation and design costs for the permanent stabilisation solution in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019
b) note that the approval for unbudgeted physical works to stabilise the site will be brought back to the Finance and Performance Committee in March 2018.
Thank you to all those in the community who attended our Rawene Public meeting on 13 February 2018, and who have provided feedback on the future land uses of the Rawene car park and reserve areas. It has been a privilege to host these meetings on behalf of the local board. All the feedback is currently being considered. At this stage the Kaipātiki Local Board have not provided formal feedback, as we are awaiting the clarification around the costs and benefits of the implementation options.
From the Chair
It has been a privilege and an honour to serve as the Chair of the Kaipātiki Local Board since November 2016. During my time I have been particularly proud to have led the development of our local board plan, that serves as the direction of the board over the next three years.
The Rawene Slip has required significant care and attention, from being on site, going door to door talking with the local businesses, meeting with the Birkenhead Town Centre Assn and the Birkenhead Residents Assn to hosting the public meetings and encouraging the flow of communication between Auckland Council and the community. This work is ongoing.
I thank my fellow board members for their passion for our community. It is an honour to have led you and to serve alongside you, as we all work towards a wonderful Kaipātiki. Thank you also to our Local Board Services staff who provide advice and support for the local board in such a professional manner.
I look forward to continuing to support the local board and the community as the Deputy Chair.
Citizenship Ceremonies
Citizenship ceremonies are always an honour, and the February ceremony for the Kaipātiki, Upper Harbour and Devonport-Takapuna Local Boards was a delight. Officiating the 460 new citizens from 40 countries who took the oath or their affirmation to complete their final step in becoming New Zealanders, was a privilege.
Danielle Grant Citizenship Ceremony
Citizenship Ceremony, view from the stage
Meetings and workshops dates:
Weekly chairs meeting every Monday morning
Local Board Chairs Forum, also attended by the Mayor Phil Goff, on 12 February
Monthly Finance briefing, on 13 February
Chaired the Kaipātiki Local Board workshop on 14 February
Elected Members Briefing on the Consultation/Engagement Events for the 10-year Budget 2018-2028 Consultation, 15 February
Monthly Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust catch up, 15 February
Meeting with local resident, David Innes, 15 February
Birkenhead War Memorial Park, local board working party meeting, on 7 December
Monthly meeting with our local board Strategic Broker, 20 February
Birkenhead Neighbourhood Plan update briefing with KLB Chair and Deputy Chair, 21 February
Monthly meeting with Kaipatiki Project with KLB Chair and Deputy Chair, 21 February
Chaired the Kaipātiki Local Board meeting on 21 February
Glenfield Santa Parade de-brief with Michael Pollitt of Lions Club of Glenfield, 22 February
Sub-Regional Cluster Workshop, 26 February
Safe Swim briefing from Healthy Waters, on 26 February
Consultation pre-briefing for local board members: 10-year Budget, Regional Land Transport Plan, Auckland Plan Refresh, Regional Pest Management Plan, Waste Minimisation and Management Plan, on 26 February
Meeting with Brian Blake, North Shore Event Centre on 27 February
RMA Commissioners Quarterly Forum, 27 February
Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Roadshow, 28 February
Chaired the Kaipātiki Local Board Community Forum on 28 February
LGNZ (Local Government New Zealand) Zone One meeting, including a presentation from the LGNZ President, David Cull Mayor of Dunedin, on 2 March
Kaipātiki Local Board workshop 7 March
Korero with Edward Ashby of Te Kawerau a Maki, Chair and Deputy Chair, on 8 March
Events, Site Visits and Functions
Hosted the Rawene Slip – public meeting with senior Auckland Council officers, 13 February
Takapuna Beach Business Association network meeting hosted by the BNZ, with guest speaker Tony Alexander, BNZ Chief Economist, 15 February
Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan Information Evening - North Shore Regional Event, 15 February
Attended the funeral of Bill Plunket, President of the Birkenhead Licensing Trust, 16 February
Bayview community neighbors’ day picnic, on 16 February
Day of the Chili Festivities hosted by the Birkenhead Town Centre Assn, 17 February
Te Onewa Pa Upgrade Dawn Blessing and speech on behalf of the local board, 19 February
Release of the Giant Reed Wasp Bio-control Agent into Birkenhead War Memorial Park 19 February
Founders Day for the Northern Scouts Assn, in Browns Bay on 25 February
Presided at the Northern Cluster Citizenship Ceremony, at West Lake Boys College – 26 February
Hosted a korero and local board lunch with Edward Ashby of Te Kawerau a Maki, on 28 February
Attending the Bayview School board of trustees meeting as a BOT member, on 1 March
Birkdale Beach Haven Community Project Retro Fun Day hosted at Opakitai Beach Haven Gardens, on 3 March
Kaipātiki Local Board "Have your Say" Event alongside Families in Parks, 10-year Plan consultation on 4 March. To have your say visit www.akhaveyoursay.nz
Kura Kawana Auckland Council Training Programme - Leadership for Local Board Leaders, 5 March
International Women's Day Breakfast, guest speaker Sarah Trotman, 8 March.