Danielle Grant Deputy Chairs Report for the period 7July to 8 August 2018
/Deputy Chairs report for the period
7 July to 8 August 2018
Significant Issues,
SeaPath – Proposed Route
The NZ Transport Agency have developed a proposed route for SeaPath, a 3km walking and cycling link between Esmonde Rd and the Auckland Harbour Bridge’s proposed SkyPath. Much of the path will run along the Northern Motorway (SH1). At our local board workshop on 25 July, NZTA shared their proposed plans and sought initial comments from board members. The proposed delivery of SeaPath is in two stages. Stage 1, from the Esmonde Rd interchange to Onewa Rd. Stage 2 is from Onewa Rd to the Harbour Bridge to connect to SkyPath. Currently Stage 2 is not funded, and the Northcote Safe Cycleway was presented as an alternative option, to the development of Stage 2. The development of the detailed business case by NZTA is ongoing.
Proposed SeaPath Route
I have long held the view that the integrated delivery of both SkyPath and SeaPath, as a continuous link is essential. This was further reiterated by NZTA who confirmed that they had heard our requests for the southern end of SeaPath to delivered in the first instance, rather than the Northern end, which is what they are now proposing.
NZTA are seeking community comment at the following times. I encourage the community to attend these sessions and to share their views.
- Wednesday 15 August, 7am-9am, Akoranga Bus Station
- Wednesday 15 August, 11am-1pm, AUT North Campus
- Saturday 18 August, 9am-10.30am, Northcote Town Centre
- Saturday 18 August, 11.30am-1pm, Highbury Town Centre
- Saturday 18 August, 2pm-3.30pm, Beach Haven Town Centre
- Tuesday 21 August, 7pm-9pm, Queen Street, Northcote
For more information on SeaPath, visit nzta.govt.nz/SeaPath
Northcote Wharf
Auckland Transport’s investigations of Northcote Wharf are now complete and will be compiled into a report. In an update to the local board on 3 August, AT have advised us that the Northcote Wharf will continue to be closed and gave an estimated time frame of nine months to complete the design, tender process, material delivery time and physical works. The local board will be presented with design options in the coming months.
I am of the belief that an all-weather wharf that provides a more reliable level of service would be preferred by the users of the wharf. I will continue to seek the feedback of local residents in the coming months.
The Northcote Wharf is an important piece of infrastructure that connects with the significant investment in SkyPath, SeaPath and the Northcote Safe Cycle Way.
Chip Sealing of Kaipatiki Roads
Auckland Transport have presented their forward work programme of roading repairs for the next twelve months to the local board, at our 8 August workshop.
I have raised my concerns with AT regarding the amount of chip seal being used on our roading network. The green lines on the diagram below are the roads which will be chip sealed, and the red lines represent asphalt replacements.
Auckland Transport forward work program for Kaipatiki Local Board Area 2018/19
I have been informed by AT that a road requires 10,000 traffic movements per day to qualify for asphalt. I believe that this threshold should be lower for roads that are around schools, along safe cycle ways and near shops. The life cycle of chip seal is the same as asphalt, lasting for 8-10 years, however the cost is significantly lower with chip seal costing ¼ the price of asphalt.
Kauri Dieback
Kaipatiki has Kauri Dieback disease (Phytophthora agathacidida).
Local board members have been meeting with our Pest Free Kaipatiki committee members and Auckland Council officers to clarify our next steps, as we come to the realisation that we do have Kauri Dieback.
In a working group meeting on 1 August, it was agreed that a proactive approach is needed. We have identified several actions, and I am optimistic that all efforts are currently underway to better understand the level of Kauri Dieback disease in our area.
Community education is essential to increase the awareness of cleaning all footwear so that it is completely clean, before leaving home to enter the bush, and that cleaning within the bush is also necessary. The investment into track upgrades and track diversions is a priority. The local board will need to consider track closures, while we wait for the appropriate track upgrades to be completed.
More advice is needed around what our priority should be, either track upgrades in reserves with Kauri, or to increase maintenance on tracks and reserves without Kauri. I will be seeking community feedback and sharing information as it becomes available.
40 Anzac Street, Takapuna
Public feedback is currently underway on options for the Takapuna carpark at 40 Anzac St.
Promotional brochures designed by Panuku Development Auckland, ‘Invest 5 minutes in the next 50 years’, have been delivered to Kaipatiki Local Board resident’s seeking our input.
Following a public meeting on 5 August organized by Heart of Takapuna, the high levels of social media engagement and the North Shore Times coverage, there is strong public interest in the future of this Council owned land. Takapuna is the only town centre designated as a Metropolitan area, on the North Shore.
I would like to request that the Kaipatiki Local Board be updated on the project, and that we are given an opportunity to provide our formal feedback for the consideration of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and the Governing Body.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff
Heart of Takapuna Spokesperson
Ruth Jackson
Meetings and workshops dates:
- Weekly chairs meeting every Monday morning
- Dan Bidois MP for Northcote, meeting 9 July
- Local Board Workshop, 11 July
- Glenfield College Paul McKinley, Netball Court arrangements, with Council officers, 11 July
- Pest Free Kaipatiki meeting with John Gillon, 12 July
- Craig Pettit, local resident concerned about litter, meeting with John Gillon, 12 July
- Apologies given for Local Board meeting, 18 July, due to family bereavement
- Chaired Local Board Workshop, 25 July
- Local Board Community Forum, 25 July
- Kaipatiki Project Liaison meeting, 26 July
- Local Board Workshop, 1 August
- Kauri Dieback working group meeting with Pest Free Kaipatiki, 1 August
- Dan Bidois MP for Northcote, meeting with John Gillon, 6 August
- Local Board Workshop, 8 August
Events, Site Visits and Functions
- Site visit to Eskdale Reserve with Kaipatiki Project, 6 July
- Pest Free Kaipatiki – Crew Card volunteer muster, 7 July
- Co-host Kawakawa Workshop, with Michelle Whiu – Kaipatiki Community Facilities Trust, 14 July
- Takapuna car park public meeting, hosted by Heart of Takapuna and attended by the Mayor and Ward Councilors, 5 August
- Resource Consent and Planning Workshop, Kura Kawana training, 6 August
Kaipatiki Communities Facilities Trust Kawakawa Workshop